New series on 'Care' as a scholarly category

care event

Care crisis. Care economy. Social care. 'Care' is having a bright moment in public and scholarly discourse. We are gathering a group of scholars interested in investigating what is 'care' good for, and how best to apprehend it as a scholarly category. 

Black feminist theorists, feminist economic historians and feminist sociologists have long considered the category of 'care'. Our 'Care' Series gathers scholars of any discipline who are interested in reading and thinking about 'care' together. Each session, we gather to discuss a short reading with the help of a local expert.

The Care Series meets under the auspices of WGQ (the Centre for Women's, Gender, and Queer History), recognizing the centrality of feminists to care thinking since the 1980s, the importance of care practices to queer and otherwise marginalized communities, the historicity of when different disciplines invested in the category, and the importance of multidisciplinary and inclusive approaches as we now proceed.

This Hilary term, the Care Series is convened by Sarah Knott (History, St John's College) and Lucile Richard (Political Theory, Nuffield). We meet Tuesdays, 11.30am-1pm, odd weeks, St John's College.


The opening sessions of the series will be:

1st Week, 21 St Giles: Reading: Vicki Hsueh, ‘Reclaiming Care: Refusal, Nullification, and Decolonial Politics’. Contemporary Political Theory 23, no. 1 (2024): 1–21 Local expert: Lucile Richard


3rd Week, 21 St Giles: Reading: Premilla Nadasen, 'Rethinking Care Work: (Dis)affection and the Politics of Caring'. Feminist Formations 33, no. 1 (2021): 165-188 Local expert: Sarah Knott


Other local experts include Rossella Ciccia and Sneha Krishnan. 

All researchers with current or potential interest in the category of 'care' are welcome. 21 St Giles is an accessible venue.