Written Work

We use your written work to help assess your reasoning, language and writing skills. Should you be called for interview, the topic might use as a springboard for questions at interview, so do choose a piece of work which has enthused you and on which you are willing to talkDon’t worry if you’ve changed your mind since writing, we’ll be interested to hear why!

Written work should be:

  • An argument-driven essay on a historical topic, written as part of your normal school or college work
    • Do not send work that requires the assessor to read any source material
    • Avoid source analyses or commentaries
    • Please include the question which the essay is seeking to answer. 
  • The essay should be a maximum of 2000 words.
  • Extracts from longer essays or pieces of project work are permissible, but should be selected so that they can stand alone and show your ability to make an argument
    • Please include the question which the essay is seeking to answer. 
  • The work must be entirely your own, original, and in English
  • The work must be accompanied by a cover sheet, that is also signed by a member of staff at your school/college


Applicants to some Joint School courses must submit additional written work:

  • History and English - you must also submit English written work
  • History and Modern Languages - you must also submit Modern Languages written work


The deadline for submitting all written work is Monday 10 November 2025.