History Faculty Statement of Values

Statement of Values

Primary goals

  • To advance historical study and understanding in the broadest possible sense, recognising that there is equal value in diverse kinds of pedagogy and scholarship
  • To create an environment in which everyone – at every academic level from undergraduate to professor, and among professional and support staff, regardless of background and identity – can fulfil their potential
  • To enable intellectual enquiry to develop freely over the course of a whole academic career
  • Collectively and individually to promote academic freedom
  • To be an autonomous, mutually supportive and self-governing academic community

Supporting principles

  • We recognise the value that human differences bring to our learning, teaching and scholarship
  • We wish to support our students’ intellectual development, enabling them to fulfil their potential as articulate and informed members of society
  • We commit to fair-dealing and respect in our interactions with one another
  • We aim to address inequalities that have a detrimental effect on students, academics and support staff
  • We commit to ensuring that our pedagogic, research and professional events are welcoming and inclusive
  • We recognise there are no excuses for treating any colleague or student with a lack of respect
  • We wish everyone to be able to participate in our culture of autonomy and self-government, recognising that this has not always been the case
  • We value the personal lives of our students and colleagues and respect their responsibilities beyond academia
  • We measure our research success in terms of originality, significance and rigour as well as celebrating other forms of scholarship. 
  • We recognise that the expectations upon all who work in universities can currently be difficult to manage; and commit to addressing work-related stress and ill-health, and removing the barriers to personal fulfilment.

This statement is reviewed annually by the Faculty Board in Hilary Term 2025.  If you have any comments or suggestions you would like to share, please send them to chair@history.ox.ac.uk.

Equality and Diversity Committee and Working Groups

The History Faculty has an Equality and Diversity Committee plus four Working Groups:

  • Disability Working Group
  • Gender Equality Working Group
  • Race Equality Working Group
  • LGBTQ+ Equality Working Group

The four Working Groups meet once a term. If you would like to bring a matter to the attention of any of these Groups.

Staff and students can also contact the Oxford University Equality and Diversity Unit (or EDU) for advice and guidance.

Information for staff and students with a disability

Staff and students in need of advice or guidance are very welcome to contact:

  • Disability Co-ordinator (History students): Alex Vickers
  • Disability Co-ordinator (History of Art students): TBC
  • Disability Co-ordinator (History Faculty Library): Rachel D'Arcy-Brown

Students can also seek advice from the University Disability Advisory Service.

Disability contacts for colleges are listed here.

You can also find our more on the Humanities Divisional Equality and Diversity page.

Access to the History Faculty

The History Faculty's George Street building is included in the University Access Guide. This map also includes details on Examination Schools and many colleges, where most of our teaching takes place.

Staff or students with concerns about accessing venues should contact the relevent Disability Lead or Co-ordinator as soon as possible.

The History Faculty Library is located in the Radcliffe Camera: this is also featured in the Access Guide.