The Faculty of History aims to provide teachers and advisors with access to free relevant subject specific opportunities and resources.
Further details about our free skills workshops (let us teach a class for you) and our programme of professional development opportunities are detailed below.
We hugely value the role that teachers and advisors play in encouraging students to consider their options and make informed decisions about their future. For further information about the History Faculty’s outreach work, or if you have any questions about outreach, enrichment or admissions please contact
Please also visit for further details on how the university works with teachers.
Our online teacher workshops are designed to support the development of practical history skills and provide advice on making a competitive application to selective universities such as Oxford.
We offer history skills workshops to state secondary schools, sixth form and FE colleges across the UK. History skills workshops are delivered online at a time to suit your class and last about an hour.
Teachers & advisors mailing list
The teachers’ mailing list allows history teachers to find out more about the Oxford History Faculty’s work with schools. If you would like to receive the latest information about supporting students to apply to Oxford, upcoming outreach events, and resources for schools, sign up to receive emails below: