Roy Foster is former Carroll Professor of Irish History at the University of Oxford and an honorary fellow of Hertford College. For the Keough-Naughton Institute's 2021 Seamus Heaney Memorial
Lecture, he will converse with Faculty Fellow Barry McCrea, Keough Family Chair of Irish Studies, on themes in his recent book: On Seamus Heaney (Princeton University Press, 2020).
The Seamus Heaney Memorial Lecture is a signature event in the calendar of the Keough-Naughton Institute for Irish Studies. Seamus Heaney gave readings of his poetry on both the University campus at Notre Dame, USA, as well as at O'Connell House, the University's Global Gateway in Dublin. This annual event honors his memory and his outstanding contributions to Irish and world literature.
The 2021 lecture will be held in Oxford in association with Hertford College and will be live-streamed online.
Registration is required for in-person attendance and is also the avenue for watching a livestream of the lecture.