Oxford in the Great War

                          *To register please follow this link


10.30-10.45:     Registration and coffee


10.45-10.55:     Welcome and introduction by Dr Adrian Gregory (GLGW)

10.55-11.30:     Clara Abrahams
(Granddaughter of May Wedderburn Cannan and keeper of her literary estate)
May Wedderburn Cannan, an Oxford WW1 poet

11.30-12.05:     Dr Malcolm Graham
(Local historian and author of Oxford in the Great War
The Third Southern General Hospital and Botley Commonwealth
War Graves Cemetery

12.05-12.40:     Caroline Roaf
(Editor of Pleasance Walker’s Letters from the Front, 1915-1919
Pleasance Walker: An Oxford woman, serving with the French in WW1,
writes home


12.40-13.30:     Lunch


13:30-14.05:     Peter Smith
(Chair of the Wolvercote WW1 Aerodrome Memorial Project)
Port Meadow: Oxford's forgotten WW1 aerodrome

14.05-14:40:     Stephen Barker
(Heritage Advisor to the Oxford, the War & the World 1914-19
Hardit Singh Malik: The Flying Sikh


14:40-15.00:     Tea


15.00-15.35:     Sue Smith
(M.St Historical Studies, Oxford University)
The conscientious objectors of Oxfordshire in 1916

15:35-16:10:     Dr Rob Johnson
(The Changing Character of War Centre, Pembroke College, Oxford)

An Oxford Scholar at War: TE Lawrence, The Great War and the Middle East


16.10-16:35:     Open discussion / workshop

16.35-16.45:     Closing remarks by Dr Adrian Gregory (GLGW)


                          *To register, please follow this link




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