IT Information
When you join the University and the Faculty of History there are 3 steps to get going:

When you receive your University Card and activation code then you are ready to activate your SSO. The letter explains the steps required. If you have lost your letter then contact IT support and we can create a new activation code for you.

If you want to use the University’s Wi-Fi (Eduroam) or VPN services then you will need a Remote Access Account. Go to the Register pages to create an account. Please note that the password needs to be different from your SSO account.

If you will be using a Faculty owned PC then you will need a username and password. Please see the IT office to have one created.
Contact Us
For IT services offered by the Faculty of History you can contact us via:
Telephone +44(0)1865 615032
Visit us in the Faculty IT Office - open from 8:45am-6pm
Visit our SharePoint site