Thesis Title:
Panspermía and the Romaíoi: Performative Ethnicity and the Weaponization of Space in Byzantium’s Post-Imperial Networks 1200-1235.
Research Topic:
My doctoral research looks at the tumultuous years of Byzantium before and after the fall of Constantinople to the Fourth Crusade. I am primarily interested in the relationship between province and capital as well as depictions of ethnic 'otherization' and projected ethnogenesis within the empire in correlation to Byzantium's 'Roman' identity undergoing a period of redefinition and contraction. With this in mind, I analyse and discuss the contrast between elite Byzantines' ecumenical ideology compared to their increasingly narrow sense of community.
Additional Research Interests:
Byzantium, Crusader Studies, Slavonic Studies, Despotate of Epiros, History of the Caucasus, Classical Greece, Late Antiquity, Historical Sociology, Anglo-Saxon England, Napoleon, Ottoman Empire, Epistolography, Network Studies, Environmental History.
Supervisor: Dr Ida Toth
President, Oxford University Byzantine Society (2022-2023)
Graduate Outreach Tutor, Researcher in Residence: Faculty of History
Educational Background:
BA History (First Class) : Royal Holloway, University of London, 2016.
MA Late Antique and Byzantine Studies (Merit): Intercollegiate University of London, 2017.
- Recipient of the Gregory II of Cyprus Scholarship.
ESL Teacher: ELC Anifadis, Chalkida, Greece
DPhil History: Wolfson College, University of Oxford 2021–
Royal Historical Society - Postgraduate Member
Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies - Member
Epiros: The Other Western Rome - Convenor
Dumbarton Oaks Coins and Seals Summer Programme - Participant
Tsiter-Kontoupoulou Visiting Fellowship: University of Vienna, 2025