Oxford Centre for European History

The Oxford Centre for European History (OCEH), based in Oxford University’s History Faculty, was set up in 1999 to generate new and exciting research projects in European and British history from
the Renaissance to the present, to build collaborations and research networks with research institutes and universities in the UK, Europe and worldwide, to provide opportunities for research collaboration and facilities for Visiting Researchers, and to train new generations of research students in the field of modern European and British History.
The OCEH is supported by around forty leading historians at Oxford, from which it draws its management committee. This is headed by the Chair, Professor Giuseppe Marcocci, and the Centre's Research Director, Professor David Priestland.
The OCEH has established research networks with other universities and research institutes from Princeton to Sydney. It was part of EurHistXX - European Network of Contemporary History, funded by the French CNRS, which linked a dozen major historical research centres in Europe, and led to the publication of the volume Europe's Postwar Periods - 1989, 1945, 1918: Writing History Backwards, edited by Martin Conway, Pieter Lagrou, and Henry Rousso (Bloomsbury, 2018).
The OCEH encourages international collaboration between research students through annual graduate workshops held in conjunction with the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, Paris, the Université Libre de Bruxelles, the Humboldt University, Berlin, and the University of Padua, with Geneva University, with Mainz University, and with Sciences Po-Paris. Through the OCEH, the University of Oxford is also involved in the Graduate Conference in European History (GRACEH) Consortium.
This centre has a number of seminars and events that run throughout the year. To see when these will next be running, please check the following pages:
Centre for Gender, Identity and Subjectivity
Centre for the History of Childhood Seminar
Economic and Social History GraduateSeminar
Global and Imperial History Research Seminar
Globalising and Localising the Great War
Graduate Seminar in History, 1680-1850
The Long Nineteenth Century Seminar
Medieval Church and Culture Seminar
Modern British History Seminar
Modern European History Seminar
Network on Diplomacy in the Early Modern Period (1400-1800)
Oxford Medieval Society Seminar
Seminars in the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology
The OCEH has modest funds to support projects within its remit. As a rule, grants range from GBP 100-500, although larger amounts may be granted in exceptional cases. Applications should take the form of a letter specifying the purpose, aims and objectives of the requested funds; the number of expected participants; and whether funding has been received and/or applied for from other sources. An itemized budget and curriculum/a vitae of the chief applicant/s should be attached. Please note that OCEH will not financially support ongoing events.
Please email your application to oceh@history.ox.ac.uk
Please click here to see events and seminars at TORCH, The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities.
The Centre welcomes expressions of interest from postdoctoral scholars and senior academics who are working in areas related to its own research interests. Academic Visitors are provided with research facilities, and encouraged to participate in seminars & workshops and contribute to the intellectual and social life of the Faculty during their visit. Visits would normally last between a term and one academic year.
Prospective applicants should complete the form below.
Research Students
We do not participate in co-tutelle arrangements, and there are only limited opportunities for History graduates who are currently enrolled in another institution to come to Oxford on a short-term visit:
Recognised Student Status - This status is given to (a) graduate research students registered with another university and admitted by an Oxford faculty to undertake research for their degree for a minimum of one and maximum of three terms; and (b) to early career researchers admitted to work with an Oxford academic. It does not involve membership of a College or an Oxford qualification. If this is the status you need, please do not fill in the OCEH Academic Visitor Application Form, but instead apply for admission as a Recognised Student via the form here. Please note that we do not require support from our Head of Department to be included with your application.
Erasmus - check whether your institution participates in this.
Cachan exchange – this is particularly suitable for students working on French history post 1789.
Dr Alessandro Saluppo, University of Padua, Italy
Dr Kerstin Weiand, Philipps University, Marburg, Germany
Dr Ana Valdez, University of Évora, Portugal
Dr Ingrid J J De Zwarte, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Mara Donato Di Paola, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Dr Marie Houllemare, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, France
Dr Ronald Kroeze, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Dr Benjamin Möckel, Universität zu Köln, Germany
Dr Tobias Straumann, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Dr Ian Tregenza, Macquarie University, Australia
Prof Jeppe Nevers, University of Southern Denmark
Dr Francisco Malta Romeiras, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Dr Ana Valdez, University of Évora, Portugal
Dr Stuart Sweeney, Independent Scholar
Clément Claret, Sciences Po - Centred'Études Européennes, France
Dr Robert Saunders, Queen Mary University of London
Prof Taku Eriguchi, Seinan Gakuin University, Japan
Dr Xu Zhiqiang, Yangzhou University, China
Dr Andrea Franc, University of Basel, Switzerland
Prof Giulia Albanese, University of Padua, Italy
Dr Vittoria Feola, University of Padua, Italy
Dr Steven L.B. Jensen, Danish Institute for Human Rights, Denmark
Prof Renee Poznanski, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Dr Andrew Buchanan, University of Vermont, USA
Dr Einar Wigen, University of Oslo, Norway
Dr Eric Storm, Leiden University, The Netherlands
Dr Søren Feldtfos Thomsen, Aarhus University, Denmark
Dr Doron Avraham, Bar Ilan University, Israel
Dr Yaacov Falkov, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Prof Paul Shore, University of Manitoba, Canada
Dr Gonzalo Butron, University of Cadiz, Spain
Dr Johanna Rainio-Niemi, University of Helsinki, Finland
Dr Kim Christiaens, Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, Belgium
Dr Atina Nihtinen (2014-2015), Abo Akademi University, Finland
Mr Valentin Wendebourg, University of Goettingen, Germany
Dr Giulia Albanese, University of Padua, Italy
Dr Juan Pablo Domínguez Fernández, University of Navarra, Spain
Ms Laia Portet, Universitat Pompeu i Fabra, Spain