Research Topic
Interactions of the British Empire and the Maldives in the 20th Century
Supervisor: Peter Frankopan
My dissertation seeks to examine the socio political and economic impacts of 78 years of British colonial rule in the Maldives. This includes the protectorate agreement of 1887, establishment of RAF British military base, emergence of secessionist movements, intercolonial trade networks, and transition from monarchy to republic.
My background includes a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Political Science from Pace University, where I completed an independent History senior thesis titled “Cultural Interpretation of the Conversion from Buddhism to Islam in the Maldives.” I also hold a Masters in Global and Imperial History from Oxford University, where my thesis, “Exploring the Maldives: Investigating Pre-Colonial Dynamics and the Portuguese Imperial Legacy,” was supervised by Peter Frankopan.
Funded by: Clarendon Fund and Christie Miller-Trinity College Scholarship.