Charlotte Canizo
Research Topic
Unaccompanied Jewish child migrants in British and French Jewish humanitarianism (1903-1948)
Supervisor: Abigail Green
My DPhil thesis focuses on unaccompanied Jewish child migrants in British and French Jewish humanitarianism from 1903 to 1948. It seeks to understand the continuities and ruptures in the care of unaccompanied Jewish child migrants throughout this period, as well as the motivations of French and British Jewish humanitarian organisations in supporting them. It aims to place the history of Jewish humanitarianism towards children in a longer perspective, whereas most research focuses mainly on the Holocaust and the 1930s. By examining the precursors of the relief actions of the 1930s and 1940s, this thesis promises to refresh existing historiography by deepening the understanding of the wider context in which French and British Jewish humanitarians carried out their actions. No comparative study between French and British Jewish humanitarianism that focuses on their support for unaccompanied Jewish child migrants has also been undertaken.
My DPhil is part of the “Jewish Country Houses” project led by Professor Abigail Green, and more specifically of its “politics and philanthropy” strand. As a Collaborative Doctoral Award student, my work is conducted in partnership with the Holocaust Educational Trust (HET) in London. My research is co-funded by the Open-Oxford-Cambridge AHRC DTP and the Clarendon Scholarship.
Prior to studying at Oxford, I completed a double BA in History and Politics at Sorbonne Université and Sciences Po Paris (2020) and an MA in Contemporary History at Sciences Po Paris (2022). I also did an exchange year at the University of Washington (Seattle) during my undergraduate studies.
Journal articles
- Canizo, Charlotte. « Les enfants juifs à la Maison de Sèvres : des enfants « comme les autres » pendant la guerre et en sortie de guerre ? (1941-1949) », Revue d’Histoire de la Shoah, N° 220, 2024, pp. 91-110.
Book reviews
- Canizo, Charlotte. « Laura Hobson-Faure, Manon Pignot, Antoine Rivière (dir.), Enfants en guerre. « Sans famille » dans les conflits du XXe siècle », Cahiers d’histoire. Revue d’histoire critique [En ligne], 160 | 2024.
- Canizo, Charlotte. « Annette Becker, Des Juifs trahis par leur France, 1939-1944. Paris, Gallimard, 2024, 304 pages, 22 € ». Revue d’Histoire de la Shoah, N° 220, 2024, pp. 243-245.
- Canizo, Charlotte. « Grandir entre les ruines », La Vie des idées, 24 février 2025. ISSN : 2105-3030. URL :
- Canizo, Charlotte. "Pius XII, the Holy See, and the Jews," Books and Ideas, 6 March 2025. ISSN: 2105-3030. URL:
Conference reviews
- Canizo, Charlotte. « Jewish Country Houses and the Holocaust in History and Memory. Colloque tenu du 10 au 12 mai 2023 à Brno (République tchèque), Centre méthodologique d’architecture moderne, en partenariat avec l’université de Cardiff, le CNRS, l’université d’Oxford et l’Institut du patrimoine national de la République tchèque », Revue d’Histoire de la Shoah, N° 218, 2023, pp. 359-361.