Professor Ben Jackson

Great Thinkers: Beatrice Webb FBA

In 1931, the British Academy elected its first female fellow, Beatrice Webb. A sociologist, economist and social reformer, she was one of the four founders of the London School of Economics. In this episode, Professor Jose Harris FBA and Dr Ben Jackson take a closer look at Webb’s extraordinary life and legacy.

17 June 2019


I would like to hear from potential DPhil students regarding:

  • Modern British political history
  • Twentieth century British social and economic policy;
  • The history of modern political and economic thought

I currently teach:



History of the British Isles 1815-1924

History of the British Isles 1815-1924

History of the British Isles Since 1900

History of the British Isles Since 1900

Theories of the State

The Making and Unmaking of the United Kingdom

Approaches to History

Political Theory and Social Science, c. 1780-1920

  War and Reconstruction: Ideas, Politics and Social Change, 1939-45
  Disciplines of History


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