I studied history at the University of Southampton, where I completed my PhD on Britain's atmospheric nuclear testing programme and its impact on the veterans who served in the military during the tests. I have taught modern British history at the University of Southampton, and before coming to Oxford I worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of South Wales on the project 'An Oral History of British Nuclear Test Veterans'. I currently work as a Research Associate with the Oxford Centre for the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, where I am helping to build an oral history archive for the Royal Army Medical Corps.
Research Interests
My principle research interests are in the post-war British military and the Cold War. I am currently completing a book which will be published with Liverpool University Press on the history of the British nuclear test veteran community. My work focusses particularly on using oral histories to explore the experience of military service in post-war Britain, and on considering how ideas of masculinity have been shaped by militarism. I also have an interest in the history of radiation within public health and its military applications.