Research Topic
"A pile of filth": hygiene politics and art in China, 1979 – c. 2012
Supervisor: Professor JP Park
Pronouns: they/them
Twitter: @jiaqikangjiaqi
Portfolio website:
Peer-reviewed publications:
Kang, Jiaqi. 'Art as Surgery: Hygiene Politics in Zhang Peili’s Glove Art, 1985–91', Art Journal, vol. 83, no. 1 (2024): 38–57. [Open access.]
Jiaqi is the founding Editor-in-Chief of Sine Theta Magazine, an international, print-based creative arts publication made by and for the Sino diaspora.
They undertook their BA and MSt (funded by the Wadham Cliff Davies Scholarship in History) at Oxford's History of Art Department. Their undergraduate thesis, 'Horrible and Terrifying Deeds: André Derain's Pantagruel woodcuts', supervised by Alastair Wright, discussed the aesthetic, political, and personal meanings of Derain's Rabelaisian artist's book, created in the midst of the Second World War. Their Master's thesis, 'Land of the [ ]: Japanese-American internment photography from an ecocritical perspective', supervised by Geoffrey Batchen, looked at landscape photographs taken in the context of Japanese-American internment by Ansel Adams, WRA-employed photojournalists, and internee George Ochikubo to explore the political dimensions of the internment landscape.
Their current thesis, generously funded by the Simon and June Li Scholarship in Chinese Art History, will explore the relationship between Chinese art and visual culture and discourses of hygiene, disease, and pollution in the postsocialist era.
亢嘉琪,牛津大学美术史专业在读博士生,June and Simon Li全额奖学金(2021-2024)获得者,导师为J.P Park教授。其博士学位研究方向是从生态批评的角度探讨中国改革开放过程中的艺术创作和视觉文化与卫生政治(包括公共卫生,疾病与污染)之间的交叉与互动。
嘉琪本科和硕士(Wadham Cliff Davies奖学金)学位均在牛津大学美术史专业获得。嘉琪的研究侧重于对多元文化状态下的文艺美术作品与视觉文化的理解和分析,以及性别,地域,后殖民时代等的视角。其本科毕业论文由Alastair Wright教授指导,研究课题是法国现代派画家André Derain在第二次世界大战期间创作的木刻画本Pantagruel及其在历史,政治和艺术等多方面的含义;硕士毕业论文由Geoffrey Batchen教授指导,是从生态批评角度研究美国现代史上以西部日裔集中营为主题创作的风景摄影。本科期间的主要学术成果包括:2019年六月在牛津圣约翰学院联合策展《Duncan Grant: Queering the Classical Nude》;2019年暑期获得Laidlaw奖学金资助,赴斯坦福大学坎特艺术中心研究科特迪瓦本土画家Frédéric Bruly Bouabré的作品。
嘉琪于2016年创办面向海外华裔青少年的Sine Theta美术和文学杂志并担任主编,至今该杂志已出版二十余期,为华裔青少年提供了创作和展示的平台。