Professor Peter H Wilson
Chichele Professor of the History of War
All Souls College
01865 (2)79371
Professor Wilson research interests are centred on the impact of war in European and World Development, as well as the history of the Holy Roman Empire.
Featured Publications
Lützen: Great Battles (OUP, 2018)
The Holy Roman Empire. A Thousand Years of Europe's History (Penguin, 2017)
The Thirty Years War: Europe's Tragedy (Harvard University Press, 2011)
In the Media
The best books about German military history that say something different
The best books about German military history that say something different
Peter H. Wilson on the Military History of the German-Speaking Peoples
Peter H. Wilson on the Military History of the German-Speaking Peoples
Inside The War Room: Iron and Blood: A Military History of the German-Speaking Peoples since 1500
Inside The War Room: Iron and Blood: A Military History of the German-Speaking Peoples since 1500
The Thirty Years War – Everything you wanted to know
The Thirty Years War – Everything you wanted to know
The Battle of White Mountain - arguably the most decisive battle of the Thirty Years War
The Battle of White Mountain - arguably the most decisive battle of the Thirty Years War
Current DPhil Students
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I would like to hear from potential DPhil students regarding:
- war in Europe and the wider world c.1500-1900;
- the military, political, cultural or social history of German-speaking Europe c.1500-1900.
I currently teach:
Prelims |
The Military and Society in Britain and France c.1650-1815 | |
The Thirty Years War (SS12) |
Graduate Papers:
War in the Modern World
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Research Centres
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