Professor Steven Gunn


I would like to hear from potential DPhil students regarding later medieval and early modern British and European history or any potential Masters students looking into the same period

I currently teach:


FHS Masters

History of the British Isles III, 1330-1550

History of the British Isles III, 1330-1550 State and Society in Early Modern Europe (part of the Mst/MPhil Modern British and European History)
History of the British Isles IV, 1500-1700 History of the British Isles IV, 1500-1700  
European and World History III, 1400-1650

European and World History 6: Early Modern Europe, 1500-1700

Optional Subject: English Chivalry and the French War, c. 1330-c. 1400 Further Subject: The Wars of the Roses, 1450-1500   
Paper IV: Approaches to History Special Subject: The Trial of the Tudor State: Politics, Religion and Society 1540-1560  
  Disciplines of History  


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