Queer Beyond London: LGBTQ+ lives since the 1960s | Professor Matt Cook

Queer urban life has changed dramatically in England over the last seventy years. Shifts in the economy, culture, attitudes, and technology have all played their part in this. London has often been used as the barometer for these changes, suggesting they were experienced in similar ways across the nation. But looking at Leeds, Manchester, Brighton and Plymouth shows instead that LGBTQ scenes, communities and identities could instead feel very different from place to place. This lecture,  marking the UK’s 20th LGBTQ+ history month, asks why this was the case and what it has meant to be  ‘queer beyond London’ in the period since the 1960s.


Reading List

Rebecca Jennings, A Lesbian History of Britain

Matt Cook, A Gay History of Britain

Matt Cook and Alison OramQueer Beyond London

Paul FlynGAY. From Prejudice to Pride: 30 Years of Gay Britain

Kit Hyam, Before we were Trans

Jason Okundaye, Revolutionary Acts: Love and Brotherhood in Black Gay Britain

You should be able to gain free access to the books and articles listed above through your school or local county library service.