The History Faculty recognises the challenges that teachers and careers advisors are navigating when it comes to supporting young people making decisions about their future. We want to work with teachers to better support and understand the needs of students in state secondary schools, sixth forms and FE colleges. Our online teacher workshops are designed to support the development of practical history skills and provide advice on making a competitive application to selective universities such as Oxford. There will also be the opportunity to ask questions and share information.
The workshops consist of 3 elements –
Supporting the development of History Skills
Making a competitive application
Teacher Q&A
Practical Information
Teacher workshops last roughly 1 hour and are held online via Microsoft Teams. You will require access to a computer, tablet or smartphone with the Microsoft Teams app or a browser that is compatible with Microsoft Teams in order to attend the session.
Next workshop: Tuesday 29 April 2025 at 4pm
Please click here to register your interest
The History Faculty’s outreach programme seeks to challenge educational inequalities across the UK.
For information about other Oxford University outreach activities, including UNIQ summer schools, Oxplore digital learning resources, and teacher conferences, see: